Philip K. Dick
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Worlds out of Joint

Programme:    download pdf here

Conference Programme: 15-18 November

Thursday, 15 November 2012

16.00 Conference Opening

Welcome Note

Randi Gunzenhäuser, Associate Dean of Faculty of Culture Studies

Opening Notes

Walter Grünzweig; Alexander Dunst

16.30-17.30  Keynote: Norman Spinrad (New York, Paris)

“The Transmogrification of Philip K. Dick”

(Introduction: Stefan Schlensag)

17.30-18.00  Discussion

18.00-19.00   Dinner Snacks at IBZ

19.00-20.30  Screening “The Owl at Daylight”

with an introduction by David Kleiweght

20.30  Discussion with director and Jaques Laurely (Cinematographer)

Friday, 16 November 2012

8.30-10.30  Panel I: Authorship and Exegesis

(Chair: Damian Podlesny)

James Burton (University of the Ruhr, Bochum, Germany)

“From Exegesis to Ecology”

Erik Davis (Rice University, Houston, USA)

“How I Learned to Love the Exegesis and So Can You”

Chris Rudge (University of Sydney, Australia)

“Dick on Drugs: acid, amphetamines, and the authoring of science fiction”

10.30-11.00   Coffee Break

11.00-12.00 Keynote: Roger Luckhurst

“Influencing Machines: Dick and the History of Schizophrenia”

(Introduction: Randi Gunzenhäuser)

12.00-12.30   Discussion

12.30- 13.30   Lunch Break

13.30-15.30 Panel II: Capitalism and state / power

(Chair: Mario Dunkel)

Nassim Omidyazdani (Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran)

“Subjectivity Crisis in Philip K.Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”

Yari Lanci (Goldsmiths College, London, UK)

“Remember Tomorrow: Philip K. Dick and the Variable Future of Neoliberalism”

José Jesse Ramírez (Yale University, New Haven)

“The Paranoia of Globalisation”

Chris Leslie (Polytechnic Institute of New York University)

“The Military-Industrial Complex in the 1960s Novels”

15.30-16.00   Coffee Break

16.00–18.00   Panel III: Dick and Cultural History

(Chair: Marie Hologa)

Ian C. Davidson (University of Northumbria, UK)

“Mobility, Automobility and the Early Novels”

Salvatore Proietti ( Universita della Calabria, Italy)

“Dick’s Antiheroes and Countercultural Individualism”

Dirk Vanderbecke (University of Jena, Germany)

“When you're growing up in a small town”

Fabienne Collingnon (University of Sheffield)

“Cold-Pac Politics”

18.00-18.30   Coffee Break

18.30- 19.30 Keynote: Marc Bould (University of the West of England, Bristol)

“Slipstream Cinema: Dick without the Dick”

(Introduction: Sina Nitzsche)

19.30-20.00   Discussion

20.00   A Musical Tribute to Philip K Dick by Michael Lysight

performed by Jan Duve

Saturday, 17 November 2012

8.30-10.30   Panel IV: Translation and Adaptation

(Chair: Jose Jesse Ramírez)

Daniel Cape (University of Sydney, Australia), “What does a scanner see?

The implications of turning Dick's dark vision into rotoscoped animation in A Scanner Darkly”

Stefan Schlensag (TU Dortmund Universtiy, Germany)

“Eye-Dentities – Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? and the Graphic Novel”

Irina Novikova (University of Latvia, Latvia)

“Reading Philip K. Dick in Russian Translation:

A Visionary for a Time Out of Joint”

10.30-11.00   Coffee Break

11.00-12.00 Keynote: Takayuki Tatsumi (Keio University, Tokyo)

"Mr. Tagomi's Planet: Somewhere between Surrealism and Postmodernism."

(Introduction: Julia Sattler)

12.00-12.30   Discussion

12.30- 13.30   Lunch Break

13.30-15.30   Shoptalk (Tommi Brem, Damian Podlesny)

on Philip K Dick on today’s SF-Scene

15.30- 16.00   Coffee Break

16.00–18.00   Panel V: Narrative and Cultural Theory

(Chair: Cyprian Piskurek)

Noah Jampol (Catholic University America, Washington, USA)

“Narrative Techniques and Plots in Philip K. Dick’s The Man in High Castle”

Raine Koskimaa (University of Jyväskyylä, Finland)

“Counter-clock Worlds. PKD and Reversed-Time Stories”

Sandor Klapcsik, (Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Budapest, Hungary)

“Media, Psychology, and Drugs in Philip K. Dick’s Oeuvre”

Matt Englund (Binghamton University, New York, USA)

“The Raising of Held Skalla: Reevaluating Galactic Pot-Healer”

19.30   Conference Dinner at Sissikingkong-Cafe

Sunday, 18 November 2012

9.00-10.00 Keynote: Laurence Rickels

“The Simulacra and Post-War Integrations of Germany”

(Introduction: Walter Grünzweig)

10.00-10.30   Discussion

10.30-11.00   Coffee Break

11.00-13.00   Panel VI: Dick and the Android Mind

(Chair: Florian Siedlarek)

Paul Heilker (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA)

“Androids, Empathy, Autism, and Humanity”

Saliola Dina Ester (Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy)

“Philip K. Dick, Blade Runner and Carlton Mellick III: A Diagonal Connection on Android Entities

Jason Ellis (University of Liverpool, UK)

“Philip K. Dick as Pioneer of the Brain Revolution”

Jedidiah Evans (University of Sydney, Australia)

“ Dick’s Mechanical Man”

13.00–14.00   Endnote Umberto Rossi: “Debased Realities”

(Introduction: Martina Pfeiler)

14.00-14.30   Discussion